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2024-01-23 13:01:14  人看过











男生名字推荐:运苇 敬鸿 政墀 得洋 闻庆 保奕 乙鑫 鎧源 国晋 柏彰 锦煌 正亮 笙杰 公彬 正约 天佑 翔泽 富全 君康 万顺 瑗廷

女生名字推荐:彩秀 景茜 若瑶 语馨 立琦 漱涵 尔琳 梦玲 彩彩 颖曦 俊雅 晓峻 祖冰 籽琪 芯语 晓珠 佳芮 泽恩 雅茵 国珍 游瑛




The moon the air, a of water, and . In the sound of the flute, tears are , water waves are , and the souls of the have been for so many a full moon. You are the that has not been .

I still the of that year。 I to my , of miles away, at it。 As soon as my to the , the acres of land in my my face。 , as I on the field ridge, a woman a in front of me。 When she was not far from me, her clear and voice rang out in vain: ", where are you going! It's so early, haven't you eaten ? Come on, have a peach。

" I my palm in and took a red and large peach。 ", thank you。" I her with a green , and my head。 She then said, "Hehe, you don't need to thank me。 If you like to eat more, you can eat a few more。 Don't you think there's still left? Come on, eat more。" I such pure , and then we each chose our own way。 In an , I waved my hand her back。 I took a hard bite of the peach, sweet, in my heart, a beam of clear light, my empty dawn。

back, she away, her long hair my past 。 I stood in this and , only to in a daze that we had never met

It was the of grain , and the sun was three poles。 I stood lost on the wrong path, and my big , Hehoe, who was a white coat and had an open chest, by。 He me in the and asked me in a thick voice, "Have you eaten yet? , if you haven't eaten yet, let's go and eat at my house to you have !" But I with a happy on my face, but he and said, "Hey, are you my house is far away? My house is not far away, right ahead。

" I was a bit at a loss, "No, no, no, no, Uncle。" My house is right ahead, and I'm going home to have , "the uncle was 。" Oh, I see, then。 Pay to on the way。 You only came back from out of town, and you need to adapt to the bad here in the 。 "At this , I was so that I 。 Then I to walk my own path, back step by step。 The only shone for him alone。 He so far, but I could still hear a song him。

The song many and one by one。 I sat in the , while he bent down in the field, his hoe on the thick soil, with sweat and joy。 At this , the clear wind is and the sky is clear for of miles。 It was only in my that I we had never met

On the banks of the river, the of the road, the geese roll up a 。 As the , I was home in a hurry, my green shirt wet and sweat 。 The poet who was the rain on the , Song , saw a young man under the rain the dark 。 I him leave the with my own eyes, and in just a while, he came to me with a 。 "Oh my , where are you going in such a heavy rain? Why haven't you an ?" My voice was 。

"Big , I to bring an , and I'm ready to go home now。 I。。。" I could , the big me into his house。 "You can your first。 This is I last year, but it's small and hasn't been worn yet。 Now it to you。" In an , my gaze met him the air, into this scene of the rainy 。 When the wind warms and the sun rises, I am like an eagle its wings, to its nest。 I have home, but I this kind- poet whom I have never known 。

The icy and pure also about the rain on the , and the of and all over the 。 At that time, I was " on the and " in this maple , but with winds and heavy rain, the road was muddy。 I on a leaf and down the slope! on the hard pine wood hurts like a bones。 As I my eyes, I an man in his me step by step down the 。

this , I spoke up and said, ", , let me down。 I'm fine, I can walk。" said , "Child, you've been like this。 Look, your arm is still blood! I need to take you to the !" I shed tears of , my eyes, and felt on the bent spine of this thin and weak old man。 Upon at the , the old man me pay for my , then and left, into this dimly lit rain 。

。。 I the , to the sound of rain, and found that it was and 。 Oh, this rain is just like my to this old man, three miles along the coast!

, the is like a veil. I stand by the river, a of water to wash my soul. The clear and sound of the flute in my ears, tears are , the blue waves are , and the soul of my has been for so many a full moon. You are my that has not been
