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2023-10-04 11:02:35  人看过






在线测算:一生八字详批|事业财运|婚姻爱情|2023兔年运势|塔罗牌占卜运势|星座运势|十二生肖运程 在线测算!









在线测算:一生八字详批|事业财运|婚姻爱情|2023兔年运势|塔罗牌占卜运势|星座运势|十二生肖运程 在线测算!












【官媒授权发布-在线测算生辰八字 佔卜 卜卦婚姻爱情 事业财运】免费在线看电影、电视、娱乐、小说、漫画、享全网特惠一个号就够了,聚集全网近千万资源,你想看的全都有。保持关联永不迷路!





“Why are you in this ?”

“… I was in due to a . When you were , I was there, one of the four Mechs,” did not this . “Then, I a task to the area of Zero City’s and Exit Gate to that it is safe. , after I left Zero City and moved into Tokyo City, I was into the .”

“Why didn’t you just to Zero City?” Chen .

“Not time,” for a . Then, she a more . “I am a of the . I left Zero City using a . This is at , to a . Once I out of this , it would close up . When I want to , I will Zero City and they will open up for me to . The of this be and there will be a in of 1 km.

“The very I out of the , I the and that I have been an area. Back then… the time the began was… 9 . There was time for me to go back… that would Zero City to open up a for me. Then, I would still need to rush to the of the … all of those be in a mere 9 .”

As she was what in the end, ’s .

Nine left in the timer…

GOR 120:

GOR 120:

Chen was at a loss as to he be or with this pilot.

By , when his team had been into this , there was still over 20 of time. They were much .

“I only have 4 on me. My own be moved, so I did not take it with me,” said .

“You this alone, and yet you came out to our ? Are you not that your own would be away?”

’s face was as she to look at Chen . “When alone, I could only to leave my pet to the . En, it is the ‘’ that you all saw back then. That is my pet.

“In the end, I had no but to to my side in order to deal with those from the Guild. Thus… I fear that my has been away by now.”

Lun Tai spoke out. “You are… a of the ‘ ’?”

“ , what is that?” Chen asked.

“The name of a guild,” Lun Tai shook his head. “Let me put it this way. Those with in Zero City can be into two types.

“The first type is those top with the to in Zero City. , they could be as with the to Zero City for the long-term. They are not the true of Zero City. One such is the owner of the Lodge, Guild.

“The type is the body of Zero City. These , such as Miss us are Zero City’s . , this Zero City is very big. The rests in the hands of the , known as the Board of . The Board of Zero City, be it daily , of , , all etc.

“You must . Even those in Zero City hide from the ’s .

“Even Zero City is with a , from what I heard, this is ! As an , I do not know of the . , I do know this. Even Zero City has a , the Zero City must still come out often to in !

“, due to the need to in the that occur , the in Zero City their own .

“One such is this ‘ ’. I hear that they are one of the war Zero City’s . This guild was by of the . These ones are all with and .

“Zero City’s has many other them. The staff from Zero City’s were the ones who all those . For , I know that the Arms and the have their own . Even the have their own guild.

“As for the , they are a more guild. The for that is that they hail from the . , they could be as a and their would be more . Thus, they have a of fame the of ones.”

After that, Lun Tai asked out of . “Miss , the Guild of your be the Head of the Team, right? At the same time, that is also one of the of the , the Board of , am I right?”

“You know quite a lot,” out. “I find it . Why is the of your guild not a like you and is a young like him?”

After that, she her gaze for a brief on both Chen and Lun Tai.

Chen . “Are you to sow right now?”

’s eyes then the of the room.

It was a -style house. The room was not large and could be . The room was also of or . Its floor was made of and there was a to the side. A table lamp at a of the room – that was all.

The room was very and worn.

“This is quite a good place,” for a and to face Chen . She that Chen ’s hand was onto the Bone Axe. “There is no need to be . I do not have any . I am a pilot with . any , my is not . At the very least, I am not good at using cold .”

“Your is very ,” Chen . “ knows if you can it out again. We with our own eyes how you and apart that Tank in one slash.”

, he then . “By the way, that … is it a form of suit that can be worn? Like ?”

“ is my pet!” . “He is not a suit of ! is a life form!”

“Just like the ?”
