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免费命理最精准的预测大师 免费在线测算八字、娱乐、小说、漫画、享全网特惠一个号就够了,聚集全网近千万资源,你想看的全都有。保持关联永不迷路!




“, don’t be so smug. No how smug you are, you are to the Yulan Plane. If you have any …why don’t you let your clone come to the Light Plane or to the Realm.” The Chief of Light, , sent . “A who is as as a rat, dares to talk so ?”

But wasn’t the bit angry.

“As as a rat? I’m a Rat to begin with!” sent back with a laugh. “I, a Rat, love to eat . I even like …haha…and I’m quite sorry about what that year! Haha…” was with .

, these words, had an even look on his face.

“, Bebe, let’s go. Let’s go home.” . “Let stew in his anger. , he’ll die from it.”

’s sense was out; , he was able to hear these words. He all the more . But him and were like fire and water to begin with; even if had him, ’t spare him. Thus, as saw it, he might as well anger a bit more.

“Oh, time to go home.” Bebe out as well.

, , , , and Bebe the and to the Yulan Plane.

In the air above the vast South Sea of the Yulan Plane. ’s group of four was the skies.

“Haha, when I think about the look on ’s face, I feel .” .

“We are back. It is all over.” felt as he was in a dream. was so .

“Mr. , that you is right ahead of us.” Bebe a . This had been by on his earth clone. After been and by , it was now far than even the Yulan .

In , in the past, and had moved tens of of , many , and many types of over to this .

In the past three years, this had and a of as well.

“Lord , I have to admit to you.” said .

“Eh?” .

“I have three of the .” didn’t hide at all. still felt very . In …he was about to to the . There was no way he would be able to hide that now.

“Three?” and were both .

Bebe and as well. “That rumor which Molde had made up back then wasn’t false. The nine soul had into my Boss’s hands. As for the crown…my Boss was lucky to it the War.”

“Haha…the are us.” .

“Haha, . , this is .” ’t help but laugh as well.

and Bebe .

What was going on?

Just he three , and would lose their like this?

“.” ’s eyes were . He to be a who was a worth .” You have three . You are about to the , and when you do, , you must a . As for what type of … a or an . Both would be good. You for what you want!”

“Right.” said to as well. “ an ! This is a rare .”

“, you truly are quite , to be able to hide this for so long…yes, you’ve done very well. You’ve an . Your were . Haha..I only you’d have, at most, two . Who would’ve that you’d have three?” was quite .

“An ….” ’t but sigh in as well.

was , but then he said with a laugh, “Lord , Mr. , I truly must . I’m not to ask for an !”

and ’s came to a halt. The looks on their face froze as they in .

“, what did you just say?” was .

The Bebe said, “ , the my Boss has his life to the was …Boss has been a way to bring back to life. is to him.”

“ ?” ’t it. He urged, “, I know about you and , but he’s dead. His soul is and . the of Life can bring him back, but…he is only a Saint. To such a for him? This is an . You can an !” was .

“. You can’t waste an like this. An will be only once in years. Even if there is a one, you won’t be able to it.” said as well.

at and , out a smile, then shook his head.

“I’m sorry…”

let out a sigh. “Lord , it is true that in my heart, I wish to train to the very of power. , in my heart, the value of an can’t even to . about an ; even if I had to give up my power as a Soul , I ’t . In my heart… is as as my . He is also my true !”

, , guide…

This was what was to .

“, you can’t act based on . This is a rare ! It is an ! Even Chief would go crazy for such a .” said .

“, you can’t give up this .” said as well.

just shook his head , then said with , “Lord , if it hadn’t been for , I would just be an . I ’t even be able to my clan. As for the …it is , but I have no other , other than for to come back to life. I hope that you will , Lord .” bowed .

“But…” didn’t know what to say.

and a . just let out a sigh. “, . I how you are . You were the one to this . I won’t force you! Make your own .”

“.” bowed once more.

When this word came out, and ’t help but to laugh . , had that he would to save !

“.” took a deep , then began to the three . The were the of the , and since the all in with the …, the were . In other words, the were as well.

The held the . space held the . The held the . They were truly !

The were human nor .

They were the !

Thus, they could . A to the could thus occur as well.

“I hope this is .” to . In his mind, the image of once more to mind, while at the same time, the crown, with the nine soul , in ’s hands, along with that red . The and , this, ’t help but laugh .

The crown just there. The red there as well.

“Swish!” The red flew into the
