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2024-02-06 17:02:18  人看过
















When I was a child, it was hide and seek or house, I liked to be in a group with my best 。 A older, I that the so- best is a , and I have the of a in my heart。 In high , I hoped to be in the same exam room with my for each exam, which gave me 。 Of , when I that I didn't know how to solve, I could also pass notes to each other。 After each exam, I seats, and those who do well can their own seats。

When I a seat, I often sit with the I am to。 When on the , I am also in the same group as the best I want。 Even if my is very and gets down, my look at each other with a smile, and no one 。 On the first day of high , I came to alone。 Since I just high and knows , most come to with their or , and of , there are also lone like me。

The the of on the wall, and it 。 From time to time, the words "Oh my god, we are in the same class, so lucky" came from 。 After in a lot of , I in and for my name at speed。 , when I saw only one I knew on a piece of paper with or names, I 't help a bit 。 When I was a child, who to me while games and a of the beef jerky back by his with me would be my 。

often fight over small such as toys, don't worry, that the wrong party can solve the by the other a , or maybe it's they can't find to play with the next day and then shake hands to make peace。 In high , the class was into two main camps, with the line being and 。 I am lazy and have a bad , after all, a camel is than a horse。

With my like , I to sneak into the first camp。 , from the two major camps do not with each other, so the of this has my scope of in class by half。 I don't like rigid and clich é d , nor do I those top who are and 。 , those who share , speak the same , and each other my 。 As I grow older, I that it is to , so I need to be when and doing 。

In high and , of my best went to , which made me feel and 。 , I don't want to treat in this new group as 。 it's our time is too short, or maybe it's I'm off。 After at night, I back home at a fast pace。 In the , when I went to , I was still alone in the dim road 。 , I could also see my back in the and 。 I the role of a lone to the 。 This also puts me in an of not high and not low。

When I was young, the and was very clear, based on my 。 The I liked were , and the ones I didn't like were 。 Once, a who had with our came home, and I was very 。 I I could drive him away with a stick, while my not only for him but also kept him at home for the night。 I was very angry and asked my why they were doing this。 My only said one : "To be a good , one the great path。

"。 I can't 。 And now, even if I talks to me about a topic that I'm not in, out of , I still to be very 。 I just don't know if I'm or if I'm 。 I be happy for my or sad for my ? "There are no , no , only 。" "One more , one more path" and other words make , my pure soul。 I hard, I often avoid being 。 But is it only me who is ?

When I can't sleep at night, think about who my true is. I came up with I knew in my mind, and then this and that. The of one over and over again made me dizzy. When the came out, I that from a , I had made a sense . If I want to know how many I have, I just need to pick out the I think are , and it will be done in a few . Why with such a big deal of one by one? While at my own , I 't help but feel " the world, how many can know each other"!
