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2024-01-23 16:01:55  人看过











男孩名字推荐:传友 宏博 荣辉 振凯 泓涛 亚松 京道 科文 鹤铜 麒元 登文 彦朝 吉昊 云翔 保翔 铚文 志勤 世昊 晗磊 永鑫 福南

女孩名字推荐:明雪 少洁 敏标 诗华 俪馨 娜娜 晓榕 梓媚 绮琦 雨希 丞恩 清琳 雪慧 雨雨 紫芸 昕瑜 诗桓 靖昕 欣益 建悦 以姗




Once upon a time, you would your at home to your , to talk to you , and that you would find . is the most gift that is born with, by .

On a snowy and cold night, the sky had . At this , a girl with a face with cold stood on the in , , "What I do? I just got out of class and such , how can I go home? It's ." That's right, this girl is me, and such makes the home , and my mood also . But soon, I saw a beam of light me at speed.

When the beam of light in front of me, I saw my dad's face the car . I got on the car and was by . I took a and asked my dad, "Dad, aren't you quite busy in the old ? Why did you come back so ?" My dad my nose and said, "Your mom isn't at home today. It's so snowy, so cold. Dad's about you, girl."

I and that my were . I out to grab it and my eyes lit up. Isn't this the that I had been in last week? At that time, there was no , and I 't it for a long time. , my dad was about my 's heart, even such a small wish. My heart was warm, and my eyes were a bit moist. I onto my dad's face and "" him. My dad on and said , "This girl, dad didn't wash his face, it's dirty."

While my dad was , I at him. It's been a long time since I took a good look at him. , I that there was a in his hair, his eyes, and my eyes even . This white hair, this , all are the deep love that dad has hard for our .

The of a song seems to be in my ear: "Where has time gone? I grow old I fully feel young." For the sake of and the of my , all in the world work the same hard and .

Just as I , I saw my to her. She 't trust us and came back early, of going . She would stand in the wind and snow and wait, with snow on her hair. It wasn't until we came back that she a sigh of and said, "It's good to come back."

my in my left hand and my in my right hand, I feel like the in the world.

This is , it is a lamp in the and a in the wind and snow.
